Center-to-center distance
Different pipe rail center-to-center distance possible
Inner flange
Fits on inner flange or open piperail system
External battery charger
Battery charger outside of the machine
Internal battery charger
Battery charger integrated inside the machine
Row shift
Automated row shift
Stainless Steel
Resistant to rust and corrosion
Additional signaling
Standing platform
Easy and quick to place/remove
Spray boom
12, 14, 16 or 18 nozzles
Frontage spray boom
6 double, 7 double, 8 double or 9 double nozzles
Spraying gun
Used to spray manually
Spray boom expansion
Support for high spray booms
Horizontal spray boom holder
Used to spray under the gutter or on low growing plants
Hinged spray boom
Used for navigation under obstacles
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